P&W Gamers

Our team consists of two undergraduates from Computer Science and Engineering Department in University of Moratuwa. This team was formed for the module Programming Challenge 11  offered in Semester 4 for Computer Science and Engineering undergraduates.

                        Pamoda Wimalasiri 

                                    - pamodaaw@cse.mrt.ac.lk

                        Warunika De Silva

                                   -  waruniakaamali.13@cse.mrt.ac.lk

Programming Challenge 11

Programming Challenge 11 is a Non-GPA module offered by Computer Science and Engineering Department in University of Moratuwa for semester 4 undergraduates. Students have to make groups of two members and design the Tanks game and website as the final outcome. The server side implementation was suplied and each team has to design a client that connects to the server and play the game. 

The module coordiantors are,

                                 Dr.Surangika Ranathunga

                                 Mr.Sandamal Weerasinghe

At the end of the semester the clients will be competing with each other in a grand finale.